The forecast for Opening Day looks bleak. Expect Showers around the 1 pm post time, than the probability of steady rain by the 4th or 5th race.
Such a shame as last year was such a sunny beautiful day to be at the Spa with 30,000 plus fans. Last year as a whole featured good weather over the 36 day meet. Good weather is essential to this meet. Never mind the economy, keep an eye on the weather to better forecast the attendance for this meet. Sunny days keeps the locals coming and the spur of the moment crowd. The backyard picnic area is a huge draw, but not so fun when 2 inches of rain are forecast. Luckily for me and my Constant Companion MBA, we have seats under cover in the Grandstand and will be taking in the races from there with limited walks to the paddock and for people watching. Our camera will be with us and I will post photos from Opening Day. Rain or no Rain it is still the Spa and I would rather be nowhere else. Like Christmas when I was a kid and baseball opening day the anticipation for the Opening Day at the Spa is such a great feeling. Tommorrow I enter Heaven on Earth and stay there for 36 racing days over a 42 day time period.
Just for fun I will try to handicap this meet and post occasional picks. I figure my picks are as good as the old guy standing outside the Wright Street entrance gate to the the track who charges you for his picks. He is always there, and when you ask him how he did the day before it always the same: "7 winners on top, 4 exactas and 1 pick 3". You think it would mix it up just to keep everyone on their toes. My goal is always to leave the track with enough money to pay for my drinks later that evening. If you have more lofty goals, please consult with the more astute handicappers out there.
I will stay away from the turf races with the rain forecast. In the 9th race-the Grade III Schyulerville Stakes for 2 y.o. fillies, I like a $2 exacta box on Ocean Colors, Boom Town Sally. (#1,8 ex box) and in the 5th, $2 to win on Storm Hope.(#5, Win). Total Investment: $6.00
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